Deepen your understanding of relapse prevention through consultation.

Consultation and Supervision in Relapse Prevention

As a faculty member of the Gorski-CENAPS organization, I am intimately familiar with Terence Gorski’s model of relapse prevention. This service is for those who have completed the Gorski-CENAPS Relapse Prevention School and are seeking certification as an Advanced Credentialed Relapse Prevention Specialist.

If you are just learning or are a seasoned practitioner wanting to know more about relapse prevention theory and application, I conduct video and/or phone consultation and supervision. I work with therapists in training and those already practicing to improve their skills and delivery of relapse prevention therapy. I work in a supportive and collegial fashion and make every effort to assist therapists in gaining the skills they seek.

Let’s Work Together!

For fees and other information please complete the inquiry form and I will get in touch.

Please briefly describe your experience with relapse prevention and what you hope to gain from working together.


Over the past 40 years research has clearly shown that relapse is a process that begins long before recovering people start using alcohol or other drugs. Alcohol and drug use do not mark the beginning of the relapse process—it is the final stage... The relapse process begins as recovering people begin using thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that create so much pain and problems that self-medication with alcohol and other drugs seems like a good choice.

-Terence Gorski